5 foods that will make your armpits wet, stimulate sweat production

Foods will make your armpits wet Have you ever wondered, “Why do I sweat when I eat?” or why a delicious meal or afternoon snack is often followe by inexplicable excessive sweating? Sweaty armpits and clammy palms are just some of the areas where these troublesome sweats can manifest. ทางเข้า ufabet Sweating after eating is annoying and embarrassing. It can make you feel like you’re destine to order takeout and eat alone forever.

5 Foods That Will Make Your Armpits Wet

Can the foods you eat really make you sweat? The answer is yes. There are a number of common foods that can trigger a sweating reaction. Often, these trigger foods have different biological reasons why they make you sweat.

1. Spicy Foods 

According to Dr. Barry Green, a professor of surgery (otolaryngology) and former director of The John B. Pierce Laboratory, there’s a reason you might sweat after eating spicy foods. “The answer lies in the fact that spicy foods activate receptors in your skin that normally respond to heat…which trigger the physical reactions of heat, including vasodilation, sweating and flushing,” Green says.

If you are one of those who wonder, “Why do I feel hot after eating spicy food?”, you should know that capsaicin, a chemical found in spicy foods. Basically tricks your body into thinking that it is really hot. Which is why your body sweats

2. Caffeine 

Experts believe that caffeine stimulates sweating. Because of its effect on your central nervous system. It increases your blood pressure and heart rate, which causes the physiological sweating reaction. There is a specific study publishe in the Journal of Medicinal Food that specifically look at the effects of coffee on athletes. That supports this theory.

3. Alcohol 

According to MD Health, there are a few reasons why alcohol might be the cause of sweating after eating or drinking alcoholic beverages . First, alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate, which raises your skin temperature. A warm body causes sweating. This reaction is most common when you drink more than the recommend amount.

On the other hand, some people can’t tolerate alcohol at all. They lack a necessary enzyme that our bodies need to break down alcohol. This condition is often accompanied by flushing, gastrointestinal problems, and headaches.

4. Sugar and Carbohydrates 

If you eat a lot of sugary snacks or foods that are high in carbohydrates, your blood sugar level may spike quickly. To combat the spike in blood sugar, your body releases a hormone called insulin. If your insulin levels are too high, it can lead to a condition called hypoglycemia, which can lead to sweating. If you sweat while eating frequently, you should see your doctor, as it could be a sign of diabetes. Does sweating after eating mean diabetes? Not always, but we’ll get to that later.

5. Protein (Sweating from Meat) 

There isn’t a lot of research looking at the effects of meat on sweating. What we do know is that digestion uses about 25% of our total energy expenditure. And protein takes more energy to digest than any other food. To make this information more complete and useful, let’s add some details about the relationship between protein, digestion, and sweating.